The Mason Difference

Value & Protection with Mason Private Locating LLC

  • Quick On-time Response to keep your project on schedule.
  • Precise Locates & service that saves you time and project costs.
  • High Quality Deliverables & Utility Mapping to document your utilities.
  • Expert estimating & customer service departments that can guide you through the process of locating your utilities.
  • We can educate your team based on your specific project needs.
  • A partner on your project using the latest technology with centuries of experience in field locating.

Training Process

New Technicians go through a comprehensive 12-16 week training program, but the learning does not stop there. New employees are then matched up with a veteran technician to continue additional field training, and when they begin to perform work on their own, all of their work is audited by a Senior Project Manager in order to make sure that only quality locates are provided to our clients.

Training Never Ends

While most companies would see the training end there, we at MPL believe that training never ends. We pride ourselves on making sure that we have a steady stream of performance audits completed on a weekly basis so that all employees continue to learn and improve their skill level.