
Non-Destructive Technologies, Services & Applications

Visualizing Subsurface Landscape

65% of underground utilities

are PRIVATE utilities - NOT located by 811. 
MPL specializes in locating ALL subsurface utilities & structures.
Non-invasive technologies for organic & inorganic environmental investigations.


We surveyed Environmental clients to identify the benefits of our services for your industry.


Protect your field crews from dangerous conflicts. Protect owners from service interruption due to utility damages. Protect the environment from invasive & unnecessary disruption.  Safety first, second & third!


On average, our team locates 46% more underground utilities and structures [on the same sites] than One Call/811. The accuracy of our technologies is not dependent on material or tracer wires making them sensitive enough for even organic applications.


We can locate existing & abandoned subsurface utilities and structures utilizing multiple technologies such as Electromagnetic Locating (EM), Passive Sweeps, EM Induction, and even Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR), and in most cases, can even provide approximate depths.  Pairing this with MPL's vacuum excavation (as necessary) and mapping services captures critical detail with extreme accuracy.

Risk Mitigation

Avoid potentially harmful contact with contaminants, ecosystems or utilities.  MPL's exclusive "Guaranteed Locate" option offers an additional layer of protection against direct and indirect costs associated with utility damages.

Key Services
Industry-Specific Value

Utility Location Knowledge
Utility Location Knowledge
Utility Location Knowledge

Private Utility Locating provides a complete picture of underground landscape including current and historical utility location, areas of congestion, and utility condition, during pre-planning.
Site Assessment for Environmental Impacts
Site Assessment for Environmental Impacts
Site Assessment for Environmental Impacts
Potentially assess pipe conditions for compliance, removal, replacement and remediation. Scan other locations to try and determine whether or not previous Underground Storage Tanks (USTs) have been removed, or if they are still present.
Preferential Pathways
Preferential Pathways
Preferential Pathways
Investigate how volatile organic compounds (VOCs) migrate through utility corridors and potentially impact nearby structures.  Locating the depth, location, and direction of subsurface utilities/structures provides critical information for better, more cost-effective mitigation or remediation.
Vapor Intrusion Sampling
Vapor Intrusion Sampling
Vapor Intrusion Sampling
Avoiding striking concrete reinforcement when attempting to install various vapor intrusion sampling devices through concrete structures.

Better from the Beginning

Private Utility Locating provides a complete picture of underground landscape including current and historical utility location, areas of congestion, and utility condition, during pre-planning.

Underground Storage Tanks, Piping, & Product Lines

Potentially assess pipe conditions for compliance, removal, replacement and remediation. Scan other locations to try and determine whether or not previous Underground Storage Tanks (USTs) have been removed, or if they are still present.

Volatile Organic Compound Migration

Investigate how volatile organic compounds (VOCs) migrate through utility corridors and potentially impact nearby structures.  Locating the depth, location, and direction of subsurface utilities/structures provides critical information for better, more cost-effective mitigation or remediation.

Avoid Damages

Avoiding striking concrete reinforcement when attempting to install various vapor intrusion sampling devices through concrete structures.
Centuries of hands-on field experience enables our technicians to partner with customers in viable solutions for their unique environmental challenges.
Centuries of hands-on field experience enables our technicians to partner with customers in viable solutions for their unique environmental challenges.

See More

with Less Environmental Impact

In a world that demands evolution: MPL is your partner in preservation.

From utility location and condition to preferential pathway investigations for soil and water contaminants, MPL's trained technicians use highly sensitive technologies to detect and excavate (when necessary) with minimal disruption to the environment. GPR can even be deployed in biological investigations to provide non-invasive geophysical mapping of features such as tree root systems and animal burrows.

Something got you "stumped?"

Our team prides themselves on partnering with our customers to provide viable solutions to even the most sensitive challenges.  Centuries of hands-on field experience and intimate knowledge of how our technologies work (and what they are capable of) could be a game-changer on your environmental projects!  Put MPL Vice President, Larry Oliver, to the test with your environmental applications questions.

From Your Peers

William Schoff, LPG (ERM)

"Prior to conducting subsurface intrusive activities, my preferred contractor for underground utility locating is Mason Private Locating. Their service team conducts their work in a safe and professional manner, are knowledgeable, thorough, have extensive experience, and are willing to accommodate our schedule. Many of the team members have conducted utility locating on my projects for well over 15 years, and I trust them completely for utility locating.”

Paul Kearney, Clean Vapor LLC

"Technician was On time, Friendly, Competent, Accomodating and Work order came in under budget. That works for me!"

Get More with Mason Private Locating LLC

  • Private Utility Locating
  • Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR)
  • Concrete Scanning
  • Utility Mapping
  • Subsurface Utility Engineering (SUE)
  • Sewer Inspection/Cross-Bore Mitigation
  • Vacuum Excavation


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