
& Private Utilities

Avoid Damages, Delays & Re-Designs

811 ONLY Marks PUBLIC Utilities

This protects utility owners.
of underground utilities are Private Utilities - NOT located by 811. 
What you don't know could cost you.

Top Engineering Benefits

We surveyed Engineering & Design clients to identify the benefits of our services for your industry.

MPL 2021 Engineering & Design Statistics: 362 projects >> 52 firms >> 11 states


On average, our team locates 46% more underground utilities and structures [on the same sites] than One Call/811. Our technologies are not dependent on material or tracer wires to identify underground anomalies that are critical to design.


Locates performed and mapped with GPS-precision provide coordinating teams with a complete, accurate picture of underground landscape to facilitate design, excavation, construction and utility coordination.

Risk Mitigation

Faster response times, greater accuracy, and MPL's exclusive "Guaranteed Locate" option offer layers of protection against direct, indirect and social costs associated with utility damages.

Proven Value

Approximately $9.6M in 2020 U.S. utility damages were attributed to insufficient or inaccurate "Locating Practices" or ~$80K per incident.  One damage or re-design incident can cost your company far more than the average cost of Private Utility Locating.

Real Example
Engineering Application
of MPL Utility Services

Original Scope of Work
Original Scope of Work
Client originally requested test holes to be performed on a forced sewer main that was not able to be exactly identified in the field. A previous firm had provided horizontal locations, but the line was not found in those locations. Mason Private Locating proposed Vacuum Excavation of trenches that could be up to 10 feet in length, and to a depth of 10 feet. By excavating these “trenches”, the line would either be found and identified within those areas, or that area would be cleared as "no line present”. Additional services were to include traffic control, back-filling and cold-patch, as necessary.  No permits or special MOT plans were required.
Where it went wrong
Where it went wrong
With the client having already performed 811 Public Locates, as well as having another firm provide them with QL-B horizontal markings, MPL was hired to expose the line safely, in multiple locations, using vacuum excavation. Unfortunately, this task was made more difficult due to the incorrectmarkings and we could not proceed as planned, based on the information provided.
Revised Scope of Work
Revised Scope of Work
Team MPL was able to provide accurate horizontal markings by exposing the line, utilizing an electromagnetic signal to designate as far as possible from that point, then exposing the line at that location. The process was repeated until the end of the line was found. Once that portion was complete, MPL performed the QL-A Test Holes to obtain the exact depth information in locations determined by the client.
There are a number of reasons why the original markings may have been inaccurate on this project.  MPL offers unique value in these types of situations, if we provide both Designating and Vacuum Excavation Field Services.  Not only are our technicians trained and equipped to perform in the field, but they have the industry experience to understand how things can go wrong, and what they can do to help you work through these types of unique challenges safely and efficiently.
Avoid damages, delays & re-designs with Private Utility Locating services.
Avoid damages, delays & re-designs with Private Utility Locating services.

Better Projects

From the Beginning

811 is legally liable for (and limited to) locating ONLY Public Utilities. It's not their fault; they legally couldn't locate them if they wanted to.

What liability does that leave you and your team, in terms of safety, budget and schedule?

The 2020 U.S. average per utility damage attributed to "Locating Practices" was ~$80K direct cost, that doesn't include indirect or social costs. How much would a re-design cost your company - especially once construction has begun?

Private Utility Locating services reveal ALL subsurface utilities and structures with GPS accuracy, before you ever begin designing!

From Your Peers

Anthony Goodnight, Lochmueller Group

"Mismarked or unknown utilities might be the single biggest cause of problems and change orders on projects. As more underground utilities are constructed, an accurate representation of what is beneath the ground is absolutely crucial to project design and construction. Project schedules and budgets will be thankful for the additional step."

Kevin Hintz, Butler, Fairman and Seufert

"QL-B allows projects to kick-off smoothly and progress FORWARD, and not immediately look backwards at what is missing."

What else can MPL do for you? Mason Private Locating LLC

  • Private Utility Locating
  • Concrete Scanning
  • Utility Mapping
  • SUE Field Services
  • Robotic Camera
  • Vacuum Excavation


Want to know more about how MPL's utility services can benefit your business?  Mark Mason, Managing Partner, has 30+ years of experience working with engineering & design, construction and utility teams to optimize profitability through enhanced safety and efficiency on their projects.  He's waiting to hear from you!


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